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Sandstorm wins pair

The Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission (ESRC) had another week of volleyball at the Black Diamond Park in Coaldale posting Tuesday and Thursday's action.

Sandstorm won all six of their games in the week, increasing their team record for the better.TUESDAY'S RESULTSDiggers Wit Attitude-SandstormSandstorm started it off with a three game sweep against Diggers Wit Attitude 25-15, 25-5, 25-15.Kyle Nevenglosky scored 21 points and eight aces in the Sandstorm win.Zach Midas scored four points in Digger's loss.Dunder Mifflin Coal-Team Ram RodThree wins were granted to Team Ram Rod after winning against Dunder Mifflin Coal Region Branch 25-9, 25-19, 25-15.Chad Fritzinger of Team Ram Rod scored 16 serving points in the win.Dunder Mifflin's own, Mike Owsinski scored four points in the loss.Now Serving-Scared HitlessNow Serving got two out of the three wins going up against Scared Hitless 25-22, 25-19, 20-25.Taylor Baddick had seven points and four aces in Now Serving's victory.Zach Lebo had six points in the defeat for Scared Hitless.THURSDAY'S RESULTSDunder Mifflin Coal-SandstormThe defending champions of Sandstorm got their second three game sweep of the week as they went up against Dunder Mifflin Coal Region Branch 25-14, 25-18, 25-18.Megan Inama had 12 service points for Sandstorm in the victory.Katelyn Collevechio had five points in Dunder's defeat.Valley Athletic Supply-Team Ram RodTeam Ram Rod tacks on two wins to their record as they go head to head against Valley Athletic 25-23, 23-25, 25-18.Team Ram Rod's, Devin Parambo, scored 10 points in the wins.Molly Harleman scored nine points in Valley Athletic's losses.Diggers Wit Attitude-Scared HitlessScared Hitless gets a three game sweep against Diggers Wit Attitude 25-15, 25-22, 25-15.Tom Eisenhower served 16 points and five aces in the Hitless victory.Zach Midas scored 16 points in Digger's defeat.STANDINGSW LSandstorm 16 2Valley Athletic Supply 15 3Team Ram Rod 12 6Now Serving 8 10Scared Hitless 8 10Dunder Mifflin Coal 3 15Diggers Wit Attitude 1 17NEXT WEEK'S SCHEDULETuesday, July 125:30- Valley Athletic Supply vs. Sandstorm6:30- Dunder Mifflin Coal Region Branch vs. Scared Hitless7:30- Diggers Wit Attitude vs. Now ServingBye- Team Ram RodThursday, July 145:30- Diggers Wit Attitude vs. Valley Athletic Supply6:30- Now Serving vs. Team Ram Rod7:30- Scared Hitless vs. SandstormBye- Dunder Mifflin Coal Region Branch