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What to watch for

Some of the most obvious things to watch for and include are:

· A stranger entering your neighbor's house when it's unoccupied.· A scream heard anywhere might mean a robbery or assault.· Offers of merchandise at ridiculously low prices could mean stolen property.· Any removing of accessories, license plates or gasoline from a car should be reported.· Persons entering or leaving a business place after hours could mean burglars.· Anyone peering into parked cars may be looking for a car to steal, or for valuables left displayed in the car.· The sound of breaking glass or loud explosive noises could mean an accident, burglary, or vandalism.· Persons loitering around schools, parks, secluded areas, or in the neighborhood could be sex offenders.· Persons loitering around the neighborhood who do not live there could be burglars looking for a target.Source: National Crime Prevention Council