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NACA Cheerleading is holding clothing drive at Lehighton gym

Northwestern All Star Cheer Association (NACA) is holding a clothing drive, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday March 26 at Tumble with Denise Gym, 961 Oak Drive Road, Lehighton (across the entrance to Mahoning Valley Drive In). They are seeking donations of wearable used clothing (mens, womens, children all sizes), shoes, belts and handbags, backpacks, baby accessories; Lines such as bedding, towels, curtains, rugs, quilts, comforters. Also can take stuffed animals and hard toys that can fit into a 24 inch by 24 inch box. All items should be brought in standard size garbage bags. Tumble with Denise Gym is located at 961 Oak Grove Drive across from the entrance to the Mahoning Drive In. For more information check

www.nacacheering.webs.com or call Laura at (484) 547-5519.