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JT area researches behavior in schools

Jim Thorpe Area School District started a school-wide positive behavior program in the Penn-Kidder Campus this past fall.

JTASD plans to implement this research initiative into L.B. Morris for next school year."Part of the program is to get together with our team once a month and review data we have (on behavior)," said Penn-Kidder Principal Brian Gasper.The team includes Gasper and 12 teachers. They meet to study the data on how well students are behaving and how positive behavior can be promoted.Penn-Kidder was trained last school year by the Lehigh Carbon Intermediate Unit on how to implement this program.Penn-Kidder uses the infraction system for misbehavior in school. If a student reaches five infractions then they receive a detention.At Monday night's school board meeting Gasper presented data showcasing the amount of infractions given to students this school year compared to last school years (09/10) infractions.Gasper stated that in August through October the infractions given were almost cut in half compared to last year. December and January's infractions went up a little from last year. Gasper said that the numbers have been fluctuating but he "has noticed a major difference in the student's behavior and it is a positive one." The school offers students who receive a low amount of infractions with certain incentives, quarterly. Some of the incentives include game days and dress up days.To promote positive behavior amongst students Penn-Kidder started the school year off with lessons on proper behavior in schools. These lessons cover six domains: Bus, Cafeteria, Bathrooms, Hallway, Classroom, and Dress Code/Tardiness. Penn-Kidder recently provided more lessons on proper behavior as a refresher for the students.The behavior data at Penn-Kidder will continue to be studied by the program team."There will be a more comprehensive presentation at the end of the school year," stated Gasper.Next year this program will be implemented at the L.B. Morris. "Penn-Kidder as a pilot school will be training the L.B.," said Gasper. "When initiated into the L.B. they will need to tailor the program for their school."