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Schuylkill Twp. has no plans to remove large snow piles

Despite complaints from several township residents regarding large piles of snow, Schuylkill Township supervisors remained firm that they are not going to be removing the snow right now.

"We have to watch because of the fuel prices. We're trying to watch our money," said chairman of the board Linda DeCindio.Superisor Charles Hosler added that the township had spent $400,000 repaving roads last year and there is just not a lot of additional money. Winter is not over yet, and the supervisors have to be ready to address any future storms. "We haven't gotten a two footer like we did last year," he said. "It's been one, two, four inches," echoed DeCindio. In the event of a major snowfall, supervisors did say that they have a company on standby to remove snow, but for now, there are no plans to remove the snow piles.Supervisors also reminded residents that the township's snow removal ordinance is in effect. Copies of the ordinance are available at the township office. The main points of the ordinance include: removing all vehicles from the township emergency road system from the start of a storm, until plowing has been completed; dumping snow or ice into roadways is prohibited; snow and ice shall be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours and at least a three foot walkway cleared; fire hydrants shall not be covered; fines may be imposed if ordinances are broken.Supervisors announced that there are currently two municipal liens against properties in Mary D, due to unpaid garbage fees. There is also a balance of $1,384 due from seven other township residences.Police chief Jesse Zimmerman was granted permission to attend training to become recertified.The township has received $1500 in drug forfeiture money to be used by the police department. The police department has also received two $500 donations and two computers from anonymous sources.The township received a $30,000 DCED grant from Schuylkill County for work done at the Tuscarora Fire Company. The township is responsible for paying $5,000 towards the grant. The supervisors received notification from the Mary D fire company that the $1500 from the township for 2011 was spent on concrete work in front of the fire company.