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Pleasant Vy. approves several contracts

The Pleasant Valley School District school board approved the following at the Jan. 13 meeting:

*hiring substitutes Cerina Bender, Dawn Heimerle, Nicole Borger as paraprofessional associates;*hiring substitute teachers-Luann James as family and consumer science to Jan. 3, 2011; Michele Mann, homebound/special education; Francesca McCutchan, English; DeAnna Rayam, healthy and physical education; Justine Shamey, special education; Andrea Stiff, music; Michelle Summervill, elementary; Natisha Versuk, family and consumer sciences.*transfering custodian Mark Sandt from PVMS/district office to PVE*for Amy Buckner to continue as long-time substitute music teacher for Amy Bloigitz effective the beginning of the 4th marking period through the conclusion of the 2010-2011 school year*Cindy Weimer to replace German teacher Susan Featro effective Jan. 18, 2011 at PVMS/PVI at $39,200.*granting an extension of a child-rearing leave of absence to Amy Boligitz, PVE teacher to the conclusion of 2010-2011 school year*Ken Newman an extension of a family and medical leave of absence for five days, effective Jan. 10-14, 2011.*the retirement of George Kresge, PVE head custodian effective March 4, 20011*for the affiliation agreement between King's College and PVSD, effective Jan. 13, 2011 for a period not to exceed five years for field, student teaching, Professional Development School (PDS students), interns and student observers.*request to advertise for sealed bids for janitorial supplies and equipment, general supplies, office and classroom furniture and audio visual supplies and equipment*a contract with Super Heat, Inc. of $7,800 to cover the cost of labor and materials to supply and install a replacement A.O. Smith water heater at the PVHS with one year warranty on all parts and labor. Three quotes were received and Super Heat was the lowest*a contract with NuChem Corp for $714 annually for yearly water treatment program for Polk Elementary School, effective Dec. 11, 2010-Dec. 10, 2013. No increase from contract of Dec. 11, 2007-Dec. 10, 2010.*a contract with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 special education for the 2010-2011 school year, the costs for special education services are estimated to be $2,049,559.57. The final reconciliation of the charges is to be made by Aug. 2011.*a contract with Kenmark, Inc. Rental for $566 for backdrop screen of 14th St. (17' x 43') for the "Hello Dolly" PVHS musical.*contract with Simplex Grinnell for fire alarm repair (to replace the 4009 NAC panel with IDNET) at PVI at a cost of $2,258.*PV's contribution of $29,697.69 to the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 2011-2012 General Operating Budget. This is a 0 percent increase.*confirmation of the Dec. 8, 2010 awarding of the Northampton/Monroe/Pike County Joint Purchasing Board for fuel itmes for the 2011-2012 year as listed below for Monroe County...**#2 fuel oil, consumer tank, fluctuating at Macungie, PA rack price plus $.2500/per gallon for delivery, overhead and profit, awarded to Petroleum Traders Corp**#2 fuel oil tank transport, firm at $2.8254 per gallon, awarded to East River Energy**Unleaded 89 octane, tank tranport, fluctuating at Macungie, PA rack price plus $.0086 per gallon for delivery, overhead and profti, awarded to Petroleum Traders Corp.*a homestead adjustment in the amount of $459.88 for Homestead Application Parcel #6/8/11-2 for 2009-2010 tax bill, recommended by the Monroe County Assessment office due to their error. All filings were submitted in a timely manner by the taxpayer to the Monroe County Assessment Office.*the denial of penalty amount of $466.78 for parcel #02/17B/1/235. The taxpayer requested this due to the fact that he did not receive his taxes by U.S. mail.*withdrawing leases with Pitney Bowes for postage meters as listed