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Public hearing will discuss Central Carbon Regional Comprehensive Plan

A public hearing will be held to discuss the Central Carbon Regional Comprehensive Plan will be held from 7 to 9:30 p.m. today at the at the Lehighton Borough Annex Auditorium, 110 N. Third Street, Lehighton. The meeting will be facilitated by Allen G. Heist, PMP, project manager, Stell Environmental Enterprises, Inc. Elverson. Heist has spent most of the year developing and refining the plan.

Invited guests to the meeting are members of the four planning commissions that comprise Central Carbon County: Mahoning, East Penn and Franklin townships and the Borough of Weissport.This meeting will give Heist the opportunity to have the planning commission members review the plan and offer comments.Rod Mann of Franklin Township will give an overview of how the regional planning committee formed. There will also be information about how information for the regional comprehensive plan was developed.The plan also includes a transportation plan and regional park, recreation, greenway and open space plan.There will also be time set aside for questions and comments.