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Weissport Borough residents will see 2-mill tax increase

Weissport homeowners will have to dig a little deeper in their pockets to pay their real estate taxes for 2012. Members of Weissport Council tentatively voted on a 2-mill tax increase.

Homes assessed at $40,000 will pay approximately $80 more next year in real estate taxes with the tax increase.Dana Brubaker, council secretary, said that taxes in Weissport have not risen for several years.Weissport anticipates revenue of $179,103 in 2012. The current revenue for 2010 was $172,266.The borough plans to spend $2,750 council expenses, $770 mayor expenses, code enforcement officer, $2.350; audit fees, $2,000; tax collection, $4,183; legal fees, $5,000; secretary salary and expenses, $6,750; miscellaneous, $230; engineering fees, $2,500; municipal costs, $6,611; police protection, $20,978; fire and public safety, $6,344; garbage collection, $35,852: public works, $18,000; street lights, $9,100; debt service, $2,305; recreation, $2,660; community donations, $415; levee maintenance, $4,428; employee expenses, $2,584; insurance, $7,650; and expenses from liquid fuels (truck payment), $8,756.The board also listened to a complaint from a resident of White Street who said he needs help from council to have a neighbor clean her property. He also noted that police were not responsive to his complaints when his house was broken into and his laptop was stolen.Weissport employs a part-time police chief.The resident noted that because Weissport has a police officer, state police do not respond in most instances.Weissport also heard a presentation from two employees of Benesch engineering firm of Pottsville. David L. Horst, project engineer; and Anthony Merklinger, senior code official, explained that their firm is available to assist with the UCC code inspections and also is available for code enforcement and property maintenance issues.