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Pleasant Vy. School Board reappoints Susan Kresge as president

Susan Kresge has been reappointed president of the Pleasant Valley School District's board of directors with a term expiring Dec. 5, 2011 or upon the convening of the 2012 reorganization meeting. MiChelle Palmer was appointed vice president.

Kresge appointed herself as the third board member of Monroe County Technical Institute representatives with a term that will expire Dec. 2013. Linda Micklos and H. Charles Hoffman are the other two representatives.John Sabia and Russ Gould were appointed MCTI alternates.Kresge was also appointed as Legislative Chairperson with a term that expires Dec. 5, 2011 or upon convening of the 2012 reorganization meeting.In her Pennsylvania School Board Association report, Kresge remarked on the Child Nutrition Bill is going to President Barack Obama for approval."I don't think we want to see this bill pass. It doesn't bode well for public education."The board approved unanimously, with school board director James Spinola absent:*The renewal of Dr. Douglas Arnold as superintendent of schools for four years, effective July 3, 2011-July 2, 2015 with salary and benefits as per the contract for Employment of District Superintendent and the Commissioned Officer Administrative Salary and Benefit Compensation Agreement, 2009-2010 through 2013-2014*Change of employment title from assistant to the Principal to Assistant Principal retroactive to Nov. 1, 2010 at an annual salary of $62,000 prorated.*To hire Bernadette Feliciano, PVI monitor at hourly rate of $8.79, a replacement position for Jacquelyn Dumas; Christine Butler as paraprofessional associate substitute; Jennifer Cinque to continue long-term substitute for grade 6 teacher Tanya Durkay-Witmer at $39,200 annual salary to conclusion of 2010-11 school year; Albert Miller, long term substitute special education teacher at $39,200 annual salary; Amy Buckner as substitute music teacher, effective the beginning of the 4th marking period, Michele Herrmann for all areas and Erica Williams for art*To transfer Lynda Kempton from PVHS to PVI, replacement position for Denise Mascal; Health and physical education staff, retroactive to Nov. 30, 2010, John Gesiskie from PVHS/PVE to PVMS, Angela Janaro from PVHS/PVMS to PVHS/PVE, Gena Orlowski from PVMS/PVI to PVHS/PVI.*Grant tenure to Lorelle Battle, Rebecca Handelong, Anglea Janaro.*To accept resignation of Theresa Brookes from substitute positions of monitor, secretary, custodian, cafeteria worker, effective Nov. 17, 2010.The board approved the contract of ThyssenKrupp Elevator for six pressure tests and one full load test at $6,600.