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Input given on proposed zoning ordinance changes

A public meeting has been scheduled by the Schuylkill County Commissioners to receive imput on a proposed zoning ordinance amendment for the county, in action taken at a work session held Wednesday at the courthouse in Pottsville. The hearing will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 9 a.m. in the commissioners' board room, preceding a regular commissioners meeting.

The Schuylkill County Planning Commission has been working for the past year in revising the zoning code which affects all boroughs and townships which do not have their own code. The commission received input from the public about zoning's in their area and have incorporated a number of zoning changes. They must be approved by the commissioners. Area boroughs under the county zone ordinance are New Ringgold, New Philadelphia and Middleport and townships of Delano and North Union.Other businessThe commissioners also approved a masters contracts drawn up by the county judicial branch which is retroactive to Oct. 1. The contracts are for Attorneys Mark Barket, Kent Watkins and Michael Fiorillo, who are court appointed to preside as master's in divorce and custody hearings.Jeff Feeser, director of Schuylkill Community Action, reviewed with the commissioners a resolution he is asking to be adopted at next week's public meeting to allow him to seek a grant of $500,000 from the Pennsylvania Departrment of Community and Economic Development for a 2010 home investment partnerships program grant. The monies will be used to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 20 households plus five households where a disabled person resides.The program will target the elimination of health, safety and lead based paint hazards existing in the homes of lower-income county residents and also help upgrade the existing housing stock in the county, improve and stabilize county neighborhoods, help eradicate housing blight, support the local economy by creating jobs and purchasing building supplies.The county solicitor's office reviewed with the commissioners a policy concerning right-to-know for the 9-1-1 Center which the county will vote on next week. The policy is specifically directed toward right-to-know law requests for disclosure of names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses generated through the 9-1-1 Center and Emergency Management OfficeReview appointments.This is the time of year when term limits expire on various county appointed boards and the commissioners reviewed appointments which they will be acting on next week. County Administrator Mark Scarbinsky presented names recommended for appointment.Office of Senior Services, Frank Siluk, 60 Blue Mountain Drive, New Ringgold; and Kathy Burda, Frackville, for three year terms beginning Jan. 1, 2011, and ending Dec. 31, 2013.Retired Seniors Volunteer Program's Advisory Board, Virginia Filozof, Ringtown; Catherine Heim, Saint Clair; and Donna Moser, 111 Laurel Lane, New Ringgold, for three year terms beginning Jan. 1, 2011, and ending Dec. 31, 2013.Drug and Alcohol Agency's Advisory Board. Accept the resignation of Bonnie K. Yanuskiewica and Eleanor L. Sanayka, both of Frackville, and appointed County Sheriff Joseph Groody, Attorney Tom Campion, Pottsville; Melissa Carr, Auburn, and Dr. Matt Newton, Pottsville, to three year terms beginning Dec. 1, through Nov. 30, 2013.Schuylkill County Housing Authority Board of Directors, Michael Holobetz, 104 New Philadelphia Road, Kaska, Blythe Township, to five year term beginning Dec. 16, through Dec. 15, 2015.Personnel mattersThe commissioners reviewed appointments and resignations presented from various departments and will take action on them next week.Office of Senior Service seeks the appointment of Tammy Gibson, Saint Clair, as a fiscal assistant at salary of $10.8800 per hour; Rest Haven Home seeks the appointment of Randalyn Dillabaugh, Cressona, as full time assistant director of nursing for the 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift at $51,325 per year; Human Resources Deparment is asking for the recall from layoff Ronald Halupa, Shenandoah, as part time office worker at $11.0905 per hour.Children and Youth Services Agency is asking the appointments of Diane Pierkiewicz, Shenandoah, and Justine Keefer, Hubley Township, as caseworkers 2 at $16.8419 per hour; and Sherry Clark, Pottsville; Nadine Galloway, Coaldale, and Adrian Heffner, Minersville, as caseworkers 1 at $15.6468 per hour.The Office of Solild Waste is asking for the appointment of Thomas Bowers, Cumbola, as temporary recycling truck driver at $13.3779 per hour.The board was informed by Chilidlren and Youth Services Agency that Brandon Craig, Pottsville, resigned as caseworker 1 and Katthy Boltz, Atlas, as caseworker 2.County Sheriff Joseph Groody announced the appointment of Gerald E. Daley Jr., Cass Township, as a deputy sheriff at $17.96 per hour and the promotion of two deputies, John Hayes, Pottsville, from sargent to captain at $23.90 per hour and Christopher Rooney, Palo Alto, as sargent at $21.98 per hour.Salary boardThe county salary board held its work session following the commissioners work session and discussed salaries and positions.Human Resources Department seeks to eliminate the position of employee relations administrator. The controller's officer, pertaining to a legal suit settlement, is requesting the creating the position of accounts examiner at $32,302 per year and Rest Haven Home is requesting the salary be set for Randalyn Dillabaugh, who is to be appointed as first assistant director of nursing at $51,325 per year.