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Students collect labels for books

Students at Saint Joseph Regional Academy in Jim Thorpe are participating in a program that will bring free books into their classrooms.

The program, which is sponsored by the drink Sunny D, is called the "Sunny D Book Spree" and it will donate 20 books when a class sends in 20 Sunny D UPC labels.The program will also award hundreds of books to the top 10 schools that collect the most labels.Other items such as Campbell's Soup labels, box tops, and Jim Thorpe Market receipts are things that the students at Saint Joseph Regional Academy collect all year.If you can donate any of the above items please give them to any SJRA student or drop them off at the school office.The deadline for donations of Sunny D UPC labels is November 23.

VICTOR IZZO/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Displaying a bottle of Sunny D with the label that they are collecting to earn books for their school are, left to right : Principal, Melissa Cuzzola; 2nd grade students Jaden Shubeck and Isabella Stianche; and HSA President, Judy Shubeck.