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Summit Hill council studies bids for cleaning buildings

Summit Hill Borough Council opened bids for cleaning services for the municipal building and community center.

Four bids were received, but the council said it wants to review them before making any decision. The next meeting of the council is 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 8.The bids received were for the cleaning of the borough hall and the Community Center.The lowest quotation for the borough hall was $120 per week or $150 if done once a month.For the community center, the lowest rate was $125 per week if done weekly or $150 if done once a month, plus $35 per hour for cleaning the kitchen. Waxing the floor will cost $500 per occurrence.The highest bid was from a Philadelphia firm who offered its services for an annual amount of $114,000, or $9,500 per month.There were several other matters discussed at the monthly meeting of the council.Zoning officer Larry Marek complained that a zoning matter was discussed by residents at several council meetings while he wasn't present."There is proper protocol in this town concerning complaints," he said. "It's not being adhered to."He said zoning matters should be addressed in his office, not in a public forum.He said the matter brought up before the council involved "personal problems that used the zoning office."Council President Joseph Weber responded, "My opinion is we all pay taxes. They (citizens) have a voice."He then agreed with Marek that zoning matters should be resolved by having the parties follow the proper channels.• The council rejected a request to have borough police officers assist at Panther Valley High School varsity football games in the Lansford stadium.Chief of Police Joseph Fittos Jr. said the officers would be paid $22 per hour but have no arrest powers.Fittos said he spoke with police chiefs in both Lansford and Coaldale and "they are not interested in providing officers to patrol the games. I suggest that we as well not provide officers.""There may be other issues that would arise," Fittos said.• Borough officials will look into having the speed limit reduced on Pine Street (Route 902).Fittos said a reduced speed limit is justified because there have been a lot of accidents on Pine Street.The discussion arose when a request was aired from John Bryant of East Hazard Street who would like a "yield to pedestrian" sign placed on Pine Street. The council didn't favor such signs because there are a lot of intersections on the street and it wouldn't be fair to select specific intersections for the signs.• A request was received from Powells, Rogers and Speaks, a firm in Harrisburg, to collect delinquent taxes for the borough. Presently Berkheimer Associates of Bangor is in charge of collecting delinquent accounts. No action was taken on the request from the Harrisburg company.• The council agreed to switch their Blue Cross agent. The new agent will be ETA Benefits Inc. of Tamaqua. Weber said the council prefers having a local agent. The Tamaqua agent replaces one from Stroudsburg.• Trick-or-Treat night in the borough will be Sunday, Oct. 31, from 6-8 p.m., said Mayor Paul McArdle.• Marek suggested that residents participate in the voluntary recycling program in the borough. "That could be the biggest way to keep our next (garbage) bills down," he said.