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Questions from the panel

The panelists who quizzed the two Carbon County candidates campaigning for election to the seat to be vacated in December by state Rep. Keith McCall each came up with at least five questions (not all were asked).

Carbon County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Dawn Ferrante:1. Carbon County has a diverse economy tourism, small businesses and manufacturing to name a few. What is your Economic Development strategy and what sector do you think is most important to our economy?2. Carbon County has a total of 1,158 businesses with less than 50 employees, or about 97 percent of all businesses. Over half of these businesses have less than five employees. Small business is the core of our local economy. What will you do when elected, to help these small businesses?3. Manufacturing has been a strong employer in our county in the past, however manufacturer's have continued to be challenged by foreign labor competition. Do you think the manufacturing sector is still relevant to our local economy? If you think it's relevant, what will you do to help it? If not, what should we be looking toward as a replacement?4. The unemployment rate in Carbon County is over 10 percent. As a representative for Carbon County, what would you do to try and assist our local economy in lowering this rate and adding more jobs?5. In 2005, the county acquired Packerton Yard and plans on developing this Brownfield into an industrial business park. Do you support this project?TIMES NEWS reporter Ron Gower:1. Lawmakers in Harrisburg at the present time are warning that a major fiscal crisis looms as early as next fiscal year. This year, stimulus money helped prevent a major budget calamity. How can a financial disaster in 2011 and subsequent years be avoided?2. Would you, or would you not, support term limits and eliminating pensions for state lawmakers?3. Pennsylvania's roads and bridges often get very low marks in trucking magazine surveys. It's a fact that the state has many bridges that need replacement. What can be done to improve travel in the Keystone State?4. What can be done to improve the economic climate in Pennsylvania?5. What makes you feel you are qualified to serve in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives?6. The Unified Construction Code has increased building costs and home improvement costs for many Pennsylvanians. Do you favor retaining it?7. There seems to be some controversy regarding funding to charter schools. Would you propose any changes?8. The new Pennsylvania building code that requires sprinklers in all new construction of town homes, and one- and two-family homes is estimated to cost individuals an additional $3,700 to $8,000 for the average single-family home. With housing starts low, and construction costs already high, are you in favor of repealing this law, which is strongly supported by the Pennsylvania Residential Fire Sprinkler Coalition?Blue Ridge Communications, Channel 13 reporter Sharon Gaeta:1. Your current career is in the public sector, while your opponent is in the private sector. Do you believe your position gives you an advantage over your opponent?2. You propose a change in the property tax guidelines. How will you intend to pay for programs that are already funded through these property taxes?3. If you talk to most people in this region they say most young adults move out of the area, how would you encourage young adults that have grown up in this area and have been educated here, to stay here or return to support and develop Carbon County?4. As a new state representative, how will you convince Harrisburg to spend state funds here compared to other parts of the state that may have more veteran politicians fighting for the same money?5 As you know most of the bills need backing from other senators, and in order to gain support you have to support their cause? How do you plan to handle these types of situations?6. You say that property taxes should be eliminated and restructured with more equitable solutions. What are some of your solutions and where do you suggest we get the funding to pay for the needed programs?7. You have suggested the state needs to reprioritize funds for education; can you give examples of where and or how these funds should be allocated?8. It has been well documented over the past decade that doctors and medical professionals have left the commonwealth for the primary reason of high liability insurance cost. Specifically, what are your ideas to limit insurance costs to make Pennsylvania more competitive in the medical field and retain doctors in the state?9. Do you see illegal immigration as an issue in Carbon County? And if so why? And if not why?10. As a trucking manager you have probably heard from your drivers about the conditions of Pennsylvania roads, what do you think can be done to save our aging highway system?