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Hanging gardens of Lansford

Mike Rehatchek of 312 W. Abbott St., Lansford, stands among the cascade of vinca vines hanging from flower boxes attached to the railing of his second-story porch. Rehatchek said the vines were about six inches tall when he planted them in June. After being lovingly tended with plenty of water and judicious amounts of a popular plant food, the vines now reach almost to the sidewalk. Alas, they will be replaced with Halloween decorations come the weekend, Rehatchek said.

CHRIS PARKER/TIMES NEWS Mike Rehatchik of 312 W. Abbott St., Lansford, stands among the cascade of vinca vines hanging from flower boxes attached to the railing of his second-story porch. Rehatchik said the vines were about six inches tall when he planted them in June. After being lovingly tended with plenty of water and judicious amounts of a popular plant food, the vines now reach almost to the sidewalk. Alas, they will be replaced with Halloween decorations come the weekend, Rehatchik said.