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'Amazing Lehighton Race' on Sept. 12

"The Amazing Lehighton Race," sponsored by the Lehighton Downtown Initiative Committee, will be held in Lehighton on Sunday, Sept. 12, beginning at 10 a.m.

Todd P. Zimmerman, coordinator, said the LIDC is looking for teams of two to compete in this "mildly physical and mental competition."The course will be a minimum of 3.5 miles in length with several stops along the way.Each stop will give a clue to the next position.A couple of the stations have mental and minor physical challenges that one of the members must complete.A registration fee is charged per couple.All proceeds benefit the Lehighton Industrial Development Committee.To register, or for more information, e mail Zimmerman at

toddpzimmerman@yahoo.com or call 570-778-2384.The Amazing Lehighton Race is based on the TV show of similar name.There are three cash prizes being awarded.