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Winners announced in annual TIMES NEWS photo contest

Family vacations, get-togethers, visits to pumpkin patches and of course, to Grandma and Grandpa's house have made for some wonderful photo opportunities.

Many of you sent those photos to the TIMES NEWS' Grandest Kids contest and we shared them with our readers throughout the year.Now the 2009-2010 Grandest Kids announces its three winners. They are: First place, Lee Damian of Nesquehoning; Second place, Larry and Stephanie McCullion of Summit Hill; Third place, Diane and Jerry Briggs of Tamaqua.Damian sent in a picture of her and her husband, Nick's, great-grandest kid, Alexandra Adam, at 5 months old. Today she is 15 months old. She is the daughter of George and Alison Adam of Alexandria, Va., and the grandest kid of Sandra and George Adam of Winchester, Va. George is one of the Damians' four grandchildren.The Damians have three children, Sandra Adam, John Belusko and Nicholas Damian, four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.Lee received a $50 Penn's Peak gift card as a prize.She says she plans to use it for a family dinner when their daughter Sandra and her family visit. She says she can't wait to see Alexandra again because she's now walking and talking."And my daughter says she's so smart," says proud great-grandma.Larry and Stephanie McCullion entered a photo of their granddaughter, Stephanie Carrington of Cincinnati, Ohio, and captured second place. She was 2 years old at the time, and wanted to land the plane she was in at McDonalds.With a sweet look on her face, it's like she's ready to promise the moon to make that happen. Stephanie comes by her love of flying naturally. Her mother is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and flew a C-17. Diane Carrrington is a lieutenant colonel and a liaison for the 309 Section. Her father, Steve Carrington, graduated from the United States Naval Academy and flew a F-18 and is a retired lieutenant commander.Her uncle, Dwayne McCullion also graduated from the Air Force Academy and is a lieutenant colonel squadron commander of civil engineers, currently stationed in Turkey.Her grandmother says Stephanie is now 9 years old and wants to follow in her mom, dad and uncle's footsteps and someday become a pilot, too. She is also the grandest kid of Penny Carrington of Atlanta, Ga. The McCullions have eight children, 29 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.They won a $10 gift card to Penn's Peak.Diane and Jerry Briggs, third place winners, won a $10 gift card to Penn's Peak. They sent in a picture of their then 5-month old grandest kid, Jaxen Pucklavage, the son of Kalie Behler of Tamaqua.In the winning photo, he looks like he's ready to play some football for the Philadelphia Eagles.He is the great-grandest kid of Eddie and Helen Pucklavage, Tamaqua and the nephew of Sara Behler.If you would like to submit a picture of your grandest kids to the TIMES NEWS, send us your favorite candid snapshots of your grandchildren. (No photography studio pictures please.)Remember to include your name, address and phone number, along with the names and ages of your grandchildren. If possible, tell us what is happening in the picture or tell us something about your grandkids.We will accept only one photo of each grandchild.We will publish the pictures in our community section in the order in which they were received.If you would like the photo returned, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Do not send your only copy of an irreplaceable photo.While we make every effort to return a picture when a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included, there are many people in a newspaper operation who handle the pictures. In order to guard against losing a priceless photo, make another copy.The TIMES NEWS will judge the best candid photo and prizes will be awarded to the top three.Send your photos to TIMES NEWS/Grandest Kids, Linda Koehler, Coordinator, P.O. Box 215, Palmerton, PA 18071 or e-mail to

lkoehler@tnonline.com or drop them off at any TIMES NEWS office.

SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS First place winner: "Hmmm, if I hit the red button, I wonder what will happen?" is what it looks like Alexandra Adam is thinking when she was 5 months old. She is now 15 months old and the Great-Grandest Kid of Lee and Nick Damian of Nesquehoning.