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Raymond the Amish Comic keeps Penn's Peak laughing

Raymond the Amish Comic is a fixture of the July schedule at Penn's Peak.

Raymond's show has been running the same weekend at the Jim Thorpe venue for so long that he has become attached to it. He told the crowd there Saturday night that if he passes away before next year's date, he would haunt anyone who was booked to fill it.Raymond's popularity at The Peak is strong enough to survive the summer, which is normally a lull time for comedians. He did note, however, that this year he lost some of his regular fans for the show due to pig roasts.Those who passed on Raymond's show to chow down on roasted porkers missed another side-splitting performance by the comedian, who once again took to the stage in his trademark Amish hat, coat and beard.Rather than the standard joke telling style, Raymond fills his routine with hilarious rants and stories that include some clever one-liners but build up a head of steam as he gets more worked up.His description of his short-lived audition for the fifth season of America's Got Talent, full of self-depreciating humor as well as barbs at the show's judges, set the tone and got Raymond off and running.Raymond is at his best when he contrasts his Amish roots against current technology. Whether it is cable TV, Facebook or some other technical marvel, he manages to pick it apart by breaking it down to its level of futility. One of his best bits involved a hotel where the management turned off the electricity in his room. without his knowledge, to make him feel comfortable.Another great rant featured Interstate 80, which Raymond said would make a good setting for a Stephen King horror novel.A highlight of the show came when Raymond brought his daughter on stage and the two of them performed a version of a song from The Evil Dead - The Musical, called "All the Men in My Life Keep Getting Killed by Candarian Demons".The finale was a twist on Raymond's "McTirade" rant against a certain restaurant, as well as fast food joints in general, that was expletive-filled but worth the price of admission. Whatever you do, however, don't pass Raymond the mustard.Comedian Billy Terrell, who Raymond credited for helping him get his start in comedy, opened the show. Terrell derived a good deal of humor out of his New Jersey amd Italian roots.

Raymond the Amish Comic keeps the Penn's Peak crowd laughing. JOE PLASKO/TIMES NEWS