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Contracts approved for various agencies

Contracts were approved by the Schuylkill County Commissioners for purchases of services offered to its clients by the Children and Youth Services, Mental Health and Mental Retardation and Office of Senior Services in action taken at its public meeting held Wednesday at the courthouse in Pottsville.

On behalf of Children and Youth Services Agency a contract was entered with Friendship House, Scranton, for foster care class 111 service at $59.10 per diem; Cornell Abraxas, Pittsburgh, for leadership development center, open residential fire setting, sex offender program at $293.55 per diem; Catholic Social Services, Hazleton, foster care, $49.36 per diem; Reading Specialists, Reading, family therapy, $84 per diem. The commissioners also named Scott Thomas, Pottsville, to serve on the C & Y Advisory Board for two years from July 1 to July 1, 2012.On behalf of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Agency the board amended several contracts.Two contracts with Goodwill Keystone, Central, Somerset County, were decreased, one from $14,652.48 to $11,589.60 and the second from $136,819.65 to $129,630.12 due to final utilization adjustments; the contract with AKT Pediatrics Therapy, LLC, increased from $12,806.64 to $32,806.64 do to utilization adjustment and the contract with Supportive Services for infants and toddlers increased from $7,451.90 to $11,951.90.Funds for RushThe commissioners approved funding from the 2010 Schuylkill County Affordable Housing Trust Fund under Act 137 in amount of $154,361 for five projects as follows:Township of Rush, $20,000 for a housing rehabilitation project; Schuylkill Community Action Committee, $12,616.60 for countywide housing counseling program; Schuylkill Community Action, $20,000 for countywide housing rehabilitation program; Schuylkill County Housing Authority, $41,744.40 for energy improvements for Schuylkill Haven High Rise Apartment Building; and Schuylkill l Community Action, $60,000 for countywide senior or disabled housing repair program.The commissioners, at the request of County Engineer Lisa Mahall, revised the rate schedule submitted by WJP Engineers, Pottsville, for an agreement to perform engineering reviews and inspections at Eagle Rock Resort, East Union Township. The rate schedule will be added to the cost for services of a survey.A contract was entered with Concept Medical, Ashland, for provision of pharmacy, therapy and consulting services for patients at Rest Haven Home and Hospital for $180,000.Mine leasesThe mine lease agreement with JJ&W Coal Company was cancelled because they have stopped mining. Leases approved were with the following:KK Coal Compay, LLC, to mine on county held coal land in Blythe and East Norwegian townships. To date royalties paid were $1,234,432.40. A second lease with KK Coal Company to mine in Blythe Township also approved, it has paid coal royalties to date of $1,368,726.78. Bernard Kuperavage is principal owner of the company.Kuperavage Enterprises Inc., trading as Tuscarora Coal Company, lease on coal tract in Blythe Township, royalties paid to date, $17,062.32. David Kuperavage, principal owner.Jett Contracting Company to mine in Blythe Townshijp, royalties paid to date $48,269.97. Joseph P. and Dorothy A. Cromyak, principal owners.Whitey Wash Enterprises, to strip mine in Reilly Township, royalties paid to date, $2,240. Russell White, principal owner.A contract on behalf of Emergency Management Agency was entered with Delta Development Corporation, Mechanicsburg, for $65,000 for the continuation of licensing and support for the total visibility resource management system and three special needs database project. Fund for this grant is through the 2007 Department of Homeland Secuurety.Contract changeThe commissioners approved an addendum to a contract with the Court Related Union, Unit 1, which had been adopted in 2006. The change was brought about by a resignation.The position oif fiscal/paralaegal administrative assistant was vacated May 14, 2010. It was reported by the Human Resources Bureau that in cooperation with the county's efforts to reduce operational costs, the court concluded that the position be reclassified resulting in savings of $3,385. The positiion of fiscal/paralegal administrative assistant was reduced in the pay range.Personnel mattersPersonnel actions taken by the board included:Antoinette Huntzinger, Pottsville, was hired as director of staff development at Rest Haven Home at $51,835 per year; Carol Leashefski, Orwigsburg, hired as a temporary clerk in the election bureau at $10 per hour; Lee Raring, Auburn, solid waste and recycling coordinator at $37,147 per year.Three people were hired to work as posters for the tax claim bureau to post properties which have become delinquent in taxes. Hired were Jason Rhoads, Branch Township; Jennifer Johnstone, McAdoo; and John McGauley, Shenandoah, at $10 per hour. Colleen Riley, Rush Township, was hired as a district justice assistant 1 for Magisterial Judge James Reiley in Pottsville at $12.27 per hour.Resignations were received from Howard Smith, Pottsville, as part time nurse's aide and Andrew Diehl, business office manager at Rest Haven Home; Kayla Wufsus, Hazleton, resigned as a aging care manager with Office of Senior Services; Pamela Tomko, Ringtown, resigned as drug and alcohol prevention program specialist with Drug and Alcohol Agency; and Stacey Pautienus, Tower City, resigned as law clerk for Judge D. Michael Stine.Salary boardAt a meeting of the salary board which was held following the commissioners' meeting, a temporary clerk position was established in the election bureau; three poster positions were established for the tax claim bureau, all which were acted on by the commissioners; and the position of field appraiser was eliminated from the tax assesment office.There will be no commissioner meeting next week because it is the fifth Wednesday of the month. The commissioners alternate weekly their work sessions and public meetings. The next meeting with be a worlk session on July 7. Also the courthouse will be closed Monday, July 5, in observance of Independent Day.