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Mass for Catholic Slovak Ladies

Taking part in the 2010 Annual Out of Town Board of Directors Meeting at St. Katharine Drexel Church in Lansford were Michele Mrazik, district officer; Msgr. Peter Polando, celebrant; Veronica Bazik, district president; Msgr. Thomas A. Derzack, host pastor. Second row, Carolyn M. Bazik, National Editor; Barbara N. Waller, District vice president; Irene J. Drotlieff, National Secretary; Mary Polando, Louise Dunstan, district officer. Back row, Karen Kukel, district auditor; Cynthia Maleski, national trustee, Bernie Demecko, Mary Ann Johanek, national president; Dorothy Urbanowicz, national auditor; Virginia Holmes, trustee; Barbara Sekerak, auditor; John Janovec, treasurer; James R. Sekerak, Sr., delegate; Steve Hudak, auditor. Top back is Linda Killeen, national vice president. Serving as organist was Jeana DePuy and vocalist was Dr. Amy DePuy.