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Board honors scholar athlete; make appointments for election

The Schuylkill County Commissioners held their by-weekly public meeting Wednesday at the Tri-Valley High School located in Hegins, a farming village in the western part of the county, for the purpose to honor the 2009 Schuylkill County football scholar athlete, Matthew McGinley, a senior at the school. A trophy was presented to the school and a plaque to McGinley.

The student body was on hand in the auditorium to participate in the meeting and the students asked inquisite and sharp questions during the public comment time alloted at the start of the meeting.They wanted to know what the commissioners were doing to bring industries and businesses into the county to keep the students from leaving the area. They also asked how do the commissioners protect themselves against corruption.They were interested in the drug and alcohol programs provided.Commissioner Francis McAndrew, a former state trooper and county sheriff, told them about the dangers of drunk driving in celebration of their graduation and prom dances held in the school. County Solicitor Eric Mika spoke about corruption. He told them all contracts negotiated are on bids and not given to friends or relatives.Business portionIn the course of business the commissioners took action to make preparation for the May 18 Primary Election by giving authority to Election Director Franny Brennan permission to hire six people to serve on the computing board, which meets the Friday after the election to make the official count of the vote cast in the primary election. They are paid $70 per day.The commissioners also appointed two persons, Frank Gengemi and Morris Brill, both of Pottsville, as per diem employees at $10 per hour to work when needed in the election bureau. McAndrew abstained from voting on Gengemi's appointment and when asked why he abstained he said Gengemi was a brother-in-law.Appointed to the Resolution Board, which will be on duty the night of the election when an unofficial count of the votes is made at the warehouse of the Schuylkill Transportation System in Saint Clair, to rule on any problems which may arise during the counting. Named were Edward Barket, Pottsville; Charles "Skip" MIller, Orwigsburg; Adam Pancake, Tremont; and Mark Scarbinsky, Saint Clair. The first three appointees will be paid $100 for their night's service. Scarbinsky, who is the county fiscal administrator, will receive no compensation.Ten drivers were hired to deliver the electrionic voting machines to the 125 polling places prior to the election. They are paid by the number of voting machines. Appointed were Karen Davison, Tamaqua, $200; Joseph Contrady, McAdoo, $200; Dennis Harris, Tuscarora, $150; Kurt Yoder, Hegins, $190; William Klinger, Frackville, $150; Joseph EcElvaney, Saint Clair, $150; Douglas Dalton, Orwigsburg, $130; Edward Yeneshosky, Saint Clair, $150; Walter Leashefski, Orwigsburg, $210; Kenneth Eichenberg, Minersville, $160; and Kenneth Breisch, Schuylkill Haven, $200.A resolution was adopted granting the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, the right of entry to conduct project activity for an abandoned mine reclamation project on county held land in Tremont Township where a strip mine known as "Stump Run" exists.The Schuylkill County Child Development Agency was given approval to file an application with the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C., for the continuation of the Head Start Program which serves 437 eligible children and families throughout the county. The total amount of funds anticipated is $3,552,315.A proclamation was adopted designating the week of May 2 to 8 as,"National Drinking Water Week", to remind its citizens of the essential role in respecting and protecting drinking water supplies by protecting the natural resource for generations to come.Twelve people were hired to serve as site supervisors for the juvenile probation department for those assigned to perform community service on court orders. Hired were, Guy Bowe, Tamaqua; Megan Wood, Ringtown; Allyson Blackwell, Schuylkill Haven; Lindsay Killian, Auburn; Benjamin Mennig, Minersville; Christopher Grube and Alyssa Porter, Orwigsburg; and Michael Brennan, Krystina Kubeika, Frank Muscara, Colin Leiby and Scott Delnick, Pottsville. They will be paid $9.50 per unit.Salary boardThe Schuylkill County Salary Board met after the commissioners meeting and approved salaries for new appointments.Sharlaine Shustack, Shenandoah, hired as District Justice Assistant 1 for Magisterial District Justice Anthony Kilker, with her salary fixed at $12.27 per hour. Howard Smith, Pottsville, hired as parttime nurse's aide at Rest Haven Home at $11.72 per hour; and Dana Bashore as parttime general practical nurse at $15.0580 per hour.District Attorney James P. Goodman has revised his office since losing two assistant district attorney's this year. Appointed were Rebecca Elo, Orwigsburg, and Megan Duncan, Harrisburg, as full time assistant district attorneys at $36,065 per year and Thomas Campion, Norwegian Township, as full time deputy assistant district attorney at $46,885.