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Welsh Songfest held in Tamaqua

Choir members from 16 area churches took part in the Tamaqua-Panther Valley Welsh Songfest held Sunday, April 25 at the First United Methodist Church in Tamaqua.

The performance opened with a prelude played on the organ by Audrey Christ which was followed by an entrance processional sung by the choir and congregation.After the singing of the Star Spangled Banner and words of welcome and an invocation by First United Methodist pastor James Cavallero, the choir, under the direction of Samantha Yachera, sang songs of praise and traditional hymns.The congregation was invited to sing along on various songs during the performance, which also included the Welsh National Anthem, titled "Land of My Fathers".A Benediction by Pastor Cavallero and the closing hymn, "God Be With You" closed out the performance. The congregation was invited to enjoy Welsh Tea and cookies with the choir in the social hall after the concert.This year's performance was organized by Marilyn Felsoci, Bob Betz, Georgene Bowe, Phyllis Lane, Patti Eisenberg, and Rev. James Cavallero.Choir members included, Sopranos Marilyn Felsoci, Kay Ann Rottet, Roxanne Farrell, Ann Farrell, Diane Derr, Joan Hess, Norma Lee Burke, Grace Moser, and Phyllis Paisley. Altos Irene Hudasky, Barbara Koch, Faye Lewis, Janet Marshall, Marge Kropp, Joan Camerini, and Margaret Martinez. Tenors Bob Ames, Phyllis Lane, Jack Martin, Rev. Jim Cavallero, Justin McClure and Del Steigerwalt. Bass singers included Norwood Frey, Phillip Price, Howard Miller, Robert Betz, Bob Evans, Mark Christ, and Joe Raggio.Church choirs represented were, from Tamaqua, First United Methodist, St. John's Lutheran, St. Jerome's Roman Catholic, St. Johns UCC, Zion Lutheran, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic, Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic, Trinity UCC, and Salem United Methodist.Churches from the Panther Valley and other areas included, First Congregational and United Methodist from Coaldale, Zion's Stone Church from New Ringgold, Hope Presbyterian from Summit Hill, Holy Family from New Philadelphia, St Peter's from Mantzville, and St. John's Slovak Lutheran from Lansford.

STEVE SHINKO/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Choir members from 16 Tamaqua and Panther Valley area churches come together at the First United Methodist Church in Tamaqua to sing at the Tamaqua-Panther Valley Welsh Songfest.