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9-1-1 providers honored in Carbon

April 11 through April 17 is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in Carbon County.

On Thursday, the county commissioners adopted a proclamation, announcing that next week will honor the men and women who take 9-1-1 emergency calls and dispatch police, fire or emergency medical services to emergencies.The proclamation states, "Emergencies can occur at anytime requiring police, fire or emergency medical services ... When an emergency occurs the prompt response of law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical technicians and paramedics is critical to the protection of life and preservation of property and the safety of our police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services is dependent upon the quality and accuracy of information obtained from citizens who telephone the Carbon County Communications Center."Carbon County emergency dispatchers are the first and most critical contact our citizens and visitors have with the emergency services. Carbon County emergency dispatchers have contributed substantially to the apprehension of criminals, suppression of fires and treatment of patients. ... each Carbon County emergency dispatcher has exhibited compassion, understanding, and professionalism during the performance of their job in the past year and the service of the Carbon County emergency dispatcher is a 'silent service' and their duties are seldom observed by the public."The communication center, which handles thousands of emergency calls annually, is located on the Broad Mountain in Nesquehoning.