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April garden club meeting in Monroe County

The Monroe County Garden Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 14 at the Hughes Eastern Monroe County Library on Route 611/North 9th Street, Stroudsburg.

The program will be "Heirloom Vegetables and Flowers" by Chris Turn, Master Gardener.The Design of the Month is "Spring Awakenings," a small triangular design, either symmetrical or asymmetrical, 8-inch height, using primarily fresh flowers and foliage in greens and yellows. The Horticulture Exhibit is "Flowering Bulb Stem," and should be named by genus and species for highest scoring. Bring entries 1/2 hour prior to the meeting to allow for judging.Sign-ups for the Flower Show and the May Luncheon will take place at the meeting. Dues must be paid to be included in the yearbook.The Monroe County Garden Club is a Federated Club of the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania, District II/III, and member of National Garden Clubs, Inc. Contact President Caryl Lamoso at (570) 688-9063 or e-mail

monroecountygardenclub@yahoo.com. You may also become a fan on Facebook.