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Architectural design can prevent bird deaths

The observation tower at Niagara Falls was to be torn down but there was such an uproar that New York State decided to rebuild it. The plan included mirrored glass.

Conservationists knew of Dan Klem's work studying bird deaths caused by striking glass. The state asked him, on the conservationists recommendation, to review the plan.Stripes were added to the building design and it was effective in preventing bird collisions. "It is an example of what can be done," said Klem.He said it is an important bird area both in breeding season and year-round.In November he stopped to see the building and found signs had been placed explaining the striping and why it had been done. He also asked that Muhlenberg College, where he is the Acopian Center of Ornithology and Conservation Biology professor, be given credit for its contribution.He is pleased that the word is being spread and as people become aware steps may be taken to prevent bird mortality due to glass.

SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS The observation tower at Niagrara Falls was planned to be replaced with one containing a lot of mirrored glass. Dr. Dan Klem was asked to review the plans and New York State changed them to make the structure more bird friendly.