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Panther Valley holds National Honor Society induction

The Panther Valley National Honor Society operned its program with Rick Morgans, advisor lighting the Eternal Knowledge Candle. After the processional to "And to Each Season", Kayla Nunemacher, president gave the introductory remarks.

Student speeches included Miranda Altemose speaking on Scholarship, meaning a commitment to learning and then lighting a candle. Katelyn Zulic gave a speech on Service, saying we are committed to the idea of volunteering our time and abilities to the creation of a better tomorrow and then lit a candle. Danielle Natividad spoke on Leadership and that it should exert a wholesome influence on the school and lit her candle. Jennifer O'Brien selected Character which is the force within each individual which distinguishes that person from others and lit a candle.Morgans introduced the inductees and Nunemacher presented the certificates while George Gillespie, PVHS principal gave out the NHS pins.After Gillespie offered his remarks, Nunemacher closed the program with remarks and the recessional took place to "Spring from the Four Season Allegro"Students are selected for the NHS on their well-rounded, active life. They are athletes, actors, artists, orators, singers, musicians, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, church volunteers, dancers and poets. They are expected to continue to demonstrate the qualities of Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.

CAROL ZICKLER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS New inductees in the Panther Valley National Honor Society were front left to right, Sindle Griffiths, Alexia Follweiler, Sarah Branchide, Katarina Rohlfing, Celene Yelito, Alyssa Marshall, Ellen Krajcir, Brittany Erbe. Standing are John Owens, Jason Gates, Michael Sloboda, Zahary Stanko, Scott Nevenglosky, Michael Hadesty, and Rick Morgans, advisor.