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Sportsman's Rod and Gun Club holds annual fishing derby

The 33rd Annual Sportsman's Rod and Gun Club Fishing Contest was held over the weekend in West Penn Township. The event was at the Moyer Farm Pond and about a one half mile section of Lizard Creek located off Lizard Creek Road (SR895) near Andreas.

Organizers said more than 300 adults and children registered for the contest. Over two dozen prizes were awarded for winners in various categories ranging from tagged fish, largest fish, and palominos. The club stocked about one half mile of Lizard Creek with over 3,500 fish for the contest. To help control the loss of fish, the club created deflector ponds at certain locations to manage the migration and flow of fish. Thousands of large fish are also stocked regularly throughout the season. The club also has its own hatchery located near the fishing points.Various fishing points of Lizard Creek were strictly reserved for children, adults, and senior citizens. Club president Marvin Faust and other organizers of the fishing contest stated their great appreciation to all the volunteers and community sponsors that routinely provide donations every year to make their event bigger and better every year. Different fishing and club events are held throughout the year to help subsidize the cost of the free event.People are asked to call member Lynn Gerber at (610) 390-8570 if you want to join the club or make a donation to future fishing events. President Faust said, "We couldn't do this without all the dedicated community volunteers, supporting businesses and sponsors that make this a great event every season."

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Holding some of they largest fish caught are, from left, Nathan Hahn of Lehighton (22 inches); Mike Packard of Northhampton (23 inches); and Bruce Schenkel of West Penn (23 1/2 inches).