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Hemlock Drive subdivision extension plan rejected

A request to extend Hemlock Drive's subdivision plans was rejected by Mahoning Township supervisors unanimously unless a letter of extension was received by the township by October 12, 2012. While the motion carried unanimously, two representatives for the project, George Fetch and Nawall Hadeed arrived later in the meeting with a sketch of the plan. Supervisors advised the two men to present the sketch to the township's planners at their next meeting.

In other business, the township continued their ongoing negotiations with Walmart and Lowe's over the traffic light maintenance agreements at their respective intersections. While progress has been made with both companies, supervisors are still working on adjusting the language in the Lowe's agreement. The Walmart agreement is being delayed as there is still some ambiguities and questions about culverts and pipes at the intersection.During the public comment, George Jadlicky and Mr. and Mrs. Luciw reported concerns about drainage problems near their homes along Beaver Run Drive. They requested the township do something about the situation, and supervisors assured them they would investigate their concerns.Supervisor Bruce Steigerwalt reported that they would need to shortly schedule a pre-construction meeting for the borough garage with the companies awarded the bids for the project. Supervisor Frank Ruch said he would speak to Frable Electric about what type of transfer switch for the electrical service should be installed.