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Assessments Appeals Board concludes 525 hearings

Hearings were completed Wednesday by the Schuylkill County Assessments Appeals Board which in the past six weeks held 525 hearings at the county courthouse in Pottsville pertaining to 616 tax parcels appeals for the 2013 taxes. In its final session the board ruled on a number of area property appeals.

Hazleton Area School District was successful in having the asssement increased on three properties owned by 63 Mountain , LLC, of Wilkes-Barre, located in Humboldt Industrial Park-West, which is the only phase located in Schuylkill County. Humbold Park consists of 3,000 acres divided in five phases and the other four phases, Humboldt-East, Humbold-Station, Humboldt-Northwest and Humboldt-North are all located in Luzerne County. East Union Township in Schuylkill County is part of the Hazleton School District and Humboldt-West is in the township.On the tract containing 50.96 acres with improvements the board increased the market value from $21,175,260 to $32,619,998 and the assessment from $10,587,775 to $16,310,000, an increase of $5,772,225 in assessment for 2013 taxes; on the tract containing 39.75 acres with improvements the market value was increased from $8,743,260 to $29,777,766 and assessment from $4,371,630 to $14,888,885, an increase of $10,517,255 in assessment and on the tract containing 61.,42 acres with improvements the market value was increased from $21,175,550 to $32,619,998 and assesment from $10,597,775 to $16,310,000, an increase of $5,722,225 in assessment.GLM Estate Group, 204 East Broad Street, Tamaqua, received a reduction on its property at 2124 West Norwegian Street, Pottsville, which was an arms length purchase at $33,000. The board reduced the market value from $48,700 to $30,758 and the assessment from $24,350 to $15,380, a decrease of $8,970 in assessment.210 Washington Street Association, LLC, 7 John Street, Tamaqua, received a reduction on its property at 210 Washington Street, Tamaqua. The board reduced the market value from $48,700 to $30,758 and assessment from $24,350 to $15,380, a decrease of $8,970 in assessment. It also was an arms length purchase at $43,000.108-110 West Broad Street Association, LLC, 7 John Street, Tamaqua, owners of the property at 110 West Broad Street, Tamaqua, the board ruled "no change" and the market value of the property remains at $64,600 and assessment at $32,300.Northeast Pa. Investment Group, LLC, 204 East Broad Street, Tamaqua, owners of a the property at 412 Hazle Street, Tamaqua, the board ruled "no change" and retained the market value at $42,940 and assessment at $21,470.Terry and Ethel Hoppes, 94 Eagle View Drive, New Ringgold, received a reduction as the board lowered the market value from $324,958 to $247,442 and assessment from $162,480 to $1213,720, a reduction of $38,760 for the 2013 tax year.Gary and Carole Jemo, 41 Red Hill Drive, Andreas Village, West Penn Township, on a tract containing 24.6 which it plans to include in the Clean and Green Program, received a reduction as the board reduced the market value from $44,490 to $27,960 and assessment from $22,245 to $13,980, a reduction of $8,265 for 2013 tax year.James J. and Mary C. Kurchock, 40 Main Street, Kaska Village, Blythe Township, received a "no change" ruling from the board as it retained the market value of the property at $41,020 and assessment at $20,510.Reading Anthracite Company, Pottsville, on a lot containing 0.18 of an acre at 1 West Maple Street, Mahanoy City, the board ruled "no change" and the market value remains at $11,048 and assessment at $5,525.Julio Adames, 511 South Kennedy Drive, McAdoo, complained his taxes were too high compared to neighbors but the board ruled "no change" because he didn't have the property appraised and the market value remains at $30,360 and assessment at $15,180.John and Patricia Valasek, 20 Schuylkill Avenue, Tamaqua, on their property at 12 Crest Lane, Hometown, Rush Township, the board ruled "no change" and the market value remains at $116,470 and assessment at $58,235.Jose E. Santos, 774 West Maple Street, Palmyra, owner of the property at 2873 Summer Valley Road, West Penn Township, the board ruled "no change" and the market value stays at $99,750 and assessment at $49,875.Joseph A. Mazzella, 86 Leslie Lane, Jim Thorpe, on property at 28 North Gilbert Street, Shenandoah, the board ruled "no change" and the market value remains at $17,000 and assessment at $8,500 and on the property at 331 West Pine Street, Shenandoah, the board ruled "no change" and it remains at $17,340 and assessment at $8,500.