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Chestnuthill Township holds reorganization meeting

The Chestnuthill Township board of supervisors held its annual reorganizational meeting Monday night and Chuck Gould will remain as Chestnuthill Township supervisor chairman for 2015.

For 2015, the vice chairman is Harry Miller. David Albright will continue as township manager Cathy Martinelli remains secretary/treasurer and open records officer. Tim McManus is the township solicitor and David Scheller is roadmaster.Other township positions are filled by: H.M. Beers Inc., sewage enforcement officer; Jeryl Reinhart, alternate sewage enforcement officer; Andrea Kennedy, SEO secretary; Todd Weitzmann of Weitzmann & Weitzmann, SEO attorney; Mark Mills of Soils Resource Limited, soil scientist zoning and codes officer; Chris McDermott of Reilly Associates, engineer; Eric Snyder, Keystone Engineering, alternate engineer; Matt Neeb, Planning/Zoning director and Planning Commission secretary; H. Clark Connor, zoning office attorney; Joe McDonald, zoning hearing board attorney; Lehigh Valley Inspection Service, Building Code inspector; Karen Hayes, CJER joint board of appeals committee member, one year; Chuck Gould, Sherry Harding and alternate Chris Eckert, CJER Regional Planning Commission, one-year term; Jim Fareri, CJER Regional Joint Building Code Board of Appeals solicitor; Berkheimer, earned income tax collector; Cathy Martinelli, alternate David Albright, earned income tax collection liaison; John Matthews, information/technology coordinator and grant writer; the board of supervisors and Kim Lutz, Vacancy Board; Mike Carr of Stevens & Lee Law Firm, special council for bargaining agreements; Michael Collins, special council;Eric Hoffman, Emergency Management coordinator; John Murray and Chris Eckert, deputy emergency management coordinators; Ronald Eick, emergency support function; Don Zipp, operations section chief; Lisa Hoffman, planning section chief; John Burrus, planning section; Nick Caprioli, logistics section chief; Cathy Martinelli, finance/administration section chief; David Albright, public relations; Dave Scheller, public works; John McKeever, West End Volunteer Fire Company fire chief; Chris Eckert, West End Volunteer Fire Company fire marshal, supervisors voting delegate to state convention, Chestnuthill Township Historical Society liaison; Chuck Gould, Harry Miller, Mark Heckman, William Altemose and Bill Gethen, Agriculture Area Advisory Committee; Nick Caprioli and Jeff Weiss, Planning Commission; Harry Miller, 3-year term to West End Park and Open Space Commission.Employees received a 2 percent wage increase: David Scheller, roadmaster $29/hour; full-time roadcrew, $23.90/hour; Matt Neeb, Planning/Zoning Director, $23.87/hour; Walter Hanson, Assistant Zoning Officer, $25.23/hour; John Matthews, IT/Grant Writer, $16.50/hour; Adam Thieling, Building/Grounds Maintenance, $17.27; Andrea Kennedy, administrative assistant, $19.58/hour; David Albright, township manager, $35.24/hour; Cathy Martinelli, secretary/treasurer, $35.07/hour.All benefits will remain the same.Mileage reimbursement rate is the federal 2015 rate of $0.57.5 per mile for an employee's personal vehicle on township business.Board meetings will be held at 7 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month. Work sessions are held Monday mornings at 7:30 a.m. or the third Tuesday at 7 p.m., if necessary. Department head meetings are 7:15 a.m. Mondays.