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Benefits Checkup program slated

The Pennsylvania Senior Corps. RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) has Benefit Checkup Ambassadors waiting to help adults 55 and older (or people who are 18 years and older on disability) determine eligibility for benefits they might not know about. Benefit Ambassadors are trained volunteers. They know what help exists, how to apply for it and they are people that can be trusted.

Benefit checkups are free and confidential. A client's name, social security number and address are not required for a Benefits Checkup. Instead, zip codes are one of the factors that help determine the benefits available to certain areas. Each client will get a printed report, listing all the benefits or programs for which he or she might be eligible. This report gives the telephone numbers that a person can use to apply for these programs. The report also tells what documents are needed when applying for benefits.The Benefits Checkup Program is supported by the National Council on Aging, whose mission is to improve the lives of older Americans.Please call the RSVP office toll free at 1-888-369-1478 or send an e-mail to

zimmermanje@diakon.org for more information or to get an application for a BCU. The office can also provide information about the volunteer opportunities available for nonprofit organizations in Carbon County.Groups interested in having someone share information regarding BCU are also welcome to call.