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Ross Township Community Day brings community awareness

On a glorious fall day, Sept. 25, visitors strolled around the VanBuskirk-Haney Park at Ross Township in Saylorsburg, enjoying the lovely outdoor weather, beauty of the park and meeting people at the Ross Township Community Day.

According to Judy Breidinger, chairperson of the Ross Township Park Committee, it was the second Community Day event they have held and plan to do it yearly."This event is open to nonprofit groups to get the word out about what they do, raise some much needed funds, and recruit new members. We want to let the residents of Ross know about these groups, know we have a park that they can use, and look forward to different events we will be having at the park," says Bredinger.With the help of Doris Price, Ross Township secretary, Sharon Steen, part-time township secretary, Bernie Kozen, executive director of West End Park and Open Space Commission and other members of the Park Committee, Bredinger believes it was a successful day, with about 200 people attending throughout the day.The park, located off Anchorage Road, next to the Ross Township municipal building, has a playground and a pavilion by the pond that the public can use. There is a one-mile walking trail that dogs are allowed to use. Owners must clean up after their dogs and take home with them or that privilege could be taken away."We plan on having another pavilion near the parking lot with picnic tables, a Veterans Memorial, an all purpose field and perhaps an amphitheater in the future. We also have a walkway with Memorial Bricks that residents can purchase for $50 to remember and/or honor their loved ones," says Bredinger.The organizations that were present read's like a list of Who's Who in the area: The Western Pocono Lions Club; Monroe County Cruisers Car Club; GFWC Western Pocono Women's Club; 4-H; Pocono Family YMCA; United Way of Monroe County; Pocono Greyhound Adoption; Monroe County Historical Association; Blue Mountain Preservation Association; Waggin' Tails; Boy Scout Troop 102; a representative for John Siptroth; Monroe County Recreation and Park Commission; Blue Ridge Hook and Ladder; West End Ambulance; Pleasant Valley School District; West End Girl Scouts; The Blue Ridge Hook & Ladder Ladies Auxiliary; Wind Gap Ambulance; Ross Township Veterans Committee; Women of Ross Club; Families Against Road Rage; League of Women's Voters; American Legion; West End Park & Open Space Committee; Monroe County Protonithary's office.The Litter Control, Monroe County Sheriff's Office, Monroe County Domestic Relations, Monroe County Treasurer's Office had literature at the Ross Township table.Various volunteers sold food of hot dogs, chips, pretzels, brownies, popcorn, cotton candy along with water and soda.Riverside Rhythm provided entertainment with some classic Swing, Sinatra and more."They were just great," exclaims Price."They were fantastic," echoes Bredinger.Jenny Boland of Saylorsburg brought her daughter, Danielle."This is great. We love this park. We come here all the time for the playground and the walking trails," she said.The Park Committee has scheduled next year's event for Sept. 17 with the rain date Sept. 18. Mark your calendar.

Danielle Boland, 3, of Saylorsburg, enjoyed making giant bubbles at the Monro eCounty Recreation and Park Commission's booth where they had various children's activities at the Ross Township Community Day event held at the VanBuskirk-Haney Park in Saylorsburg.