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How are you, inside?

Tomorrow is Pentecost, one of the holiest celebrations in the Church. In John 14:25-27 Jesus said, "I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all I have said to you."

Every time we say, "I believe in the Holy Spirit" we mean that we believe in a living God, able and willing to enter the human personality and change it. Those words of wisdom are not mine, they belong to J. B. Phillips.Have you ever done something good, above and beyond your limited abilities or said, "I don't know how I did that?" That is the Holy Spirit at work. The Holy Spirit is the best and the highest that is in us, the seed of God that gives us joy and peace and the deepest love.I had a friend a long time ago, Jim, a victim of cerebral palsy. Talking, for Jim, was a difficult chore and understanding him took concentrated listening. When I visited him and he said, "How are you?" I answered with the usual "Fine."But Jim came back with, "NO!, NOT OUTSIDE, HOW ARE YOU INSIDE?" Jim was asking about my Spirit, the Holy Spirit in me. That is the important part of me and Jim knew that. Both of us knew that it is the HOLY SPIRIT IN US THAT MAKES A GREAT DIFFERENCE IN HOW WE LIVE LIFE AND HOW WE VIEW LIFE.The Rev. Canon Doris S. Bray