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Western Pocono Lions Club receive international nod

Congratulations to the Western Pocono Lions Club, Lion PCC Chris Sweeney, and Getz Personal Care Home, several of its residents, Adele R. Argot, as well as the general Pocono region.

They all got a mention in the February issue of the "LION," the monthly publication of the Lions Clubs International.That mention was based on a story written by Adele R. Argot that ran in The Times News after the annual fall outing for seniors living in several area personal care homes last fall. The project was begun by Lion Chris Sweeney, PCC, many years ago.When the story was sent to the international editorial board in 2008, the response was affirmative for future use.A call came this fall from Senior Editor Jay Copp verifying the interest to share that unique project with LIONS readers.Lorie Benward, Arnold "Spike" Sisinni, Robert Jump and Bobby Ott, are mentioned in the story along with Lion Sweeney and Getz Personal Care home under the overall banner of "Hands on, Hearts Locked In" which has a variety of vignettes of what Lions do in the USA and in Canada and find fulfillment in the hands-on service doing it.Also mentioned is that a brand new Lioness member of the Western Pocono Lioness Club served as one of the almost dozen drivers for the day.That project is just one way the club members try to fulfill the Lions motto, "We serve."