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Pleasant Valley School District hires new superintendent

Pleasant Valley School Distict will have a new superintendent beginning Aug 1.

On Thursday, the board voted unanimously to hire David Piperato to take replace Carole Geary, who is retiring July 31.Piperato, the principal of Emmaus High School in the East Penn School District, said, “I am looking forward to joining Pleasant Valley.”His salary will be $155,000 per year. Carole Geary is earning $163,189.“I value the relationship here between the board and district. July can’t come fast enough. On a scale of one to 10, I am a 15," he added.All of the directors took the opportunity to welcome Piperato on board as well as each of the building principals.“As you get your feet wet you are going to learn what a unique place Pleasant Valley is,” said director Linda Micklos. “We are all looking forward to turning your blood blue.”PV High School principal John Gress promised Piperato a new PV Bears wardrobe. 

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