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No. Lehigh approves coaches

Northern Lehigh School Board, on a 7-0 vote Monday with directors Gregory Williams and Debra Bower absent, approved the following co-curricular change of status:

• The change of status of Drake Pristash from volunteer assistant track coach, which was approved at the Aug. 8 board meeting, to full-time assistant track coach at a stipend of $3,081 for the 2016-17 school year, due to the resignation of Ashlie Eckert approved at the Aug. 8 board meeting.The board also approved the following co-curricular appointment for the 2016-17 school year:• Anna Leigh Conway, middle school girls' basketball coach, $4,650The board also approved the following co-curricular volunteers for the 2016-17 school year:• Adam Hluschak, assistant wrestling coach• Fred Folland, Little Leo Club• John Weremedic, Little Leo Club• Randall Utsch, play/musical lighting and sound