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3 Schuylkill County departments get grants

U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright announced that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has awarded a total of $176,126 in Assistance to Firefighters Grant funds for three first-responder departments in Schuylkill County.

The funds will be distributed via the Federal Emergency Management Agency.The Ryan Township Emergency & Rescue Squad Inc. in Barnesville has been awarded $149,554 to subsidize the purchase of a 2013 Type I ambulance with 4-wheel drive.The Citizens Fire Co. No. 1 in Tamaqua has been awarded $12,939 to help purchase one thermal imaging camera, an effective tool for firefighters when searching for victims or locating the seat of a fire, and 14 units of self-rescue bailout kits.The Girard Hose Company No. 1 in Girardville has been awarded $13,633 for the purchase of seven sets of outer protective clothing.AFGs are competitive grants awarded directly to fire departments and Emergency Medical Services organizations that are not affiliated with a hospital. The purpose of the grants is to enhance the ability of first-responder organizations to protect the health and safety of the public, as well as that of first-responder personnel.