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Lehighton snowplowing guidelines

Anyone wishing to plow within the Borough of Lehighton are required to do the following things:

• Register with the borough of Lehighton.• Provide copy of valid driver's license.• Provide valid insurance with a rider for plowing if plowing a commercial business, or valid car insurance only for plowing parking spaces.• Provide phone number.• List all areas you will be plowing and when.• There are to be no piles anywhere.• If temporary pile is made for removal, truck must be present at the time to remove the pile immediately.• If not removed immediately you will be cited by the police department.• Snow must be feathered back from the roadway to curbline.• Fire hydrants, driveways, intersections and street corners are not to be blocked at any time.• You are not allowed to pile snow on private property unless the property owner gives you written permission. Copy of permission letter for borough is required.• No snow is to be plowed onto borough streets. In the event there is, citations will be given out by borough police.