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Storm All-Star cheer teams named national champs

Storm All-Star Cheerleaders, based out of Lehighton, attended a National Cheerleading competition in Ocean City, Md. April 4-5.

Storm had three teams participate in the competition. The Flurries, a Tiny level 1 team consisting of girls ages 3-5, and Thunder, a Youth level 1 team consisting of girls age 12 and under, were both named National Champions.Lightning, a Junior level 2 team consisting of girls 14 and under, placed second. The National Champions received a National Champion bag and all three teams received trophies.Storm All-Star cheerleaders start practicing in September and compete in at least six competitions throughout the region.This year's competitions included: Battle in the 'Burg, Harrisburg; Patriot Pride, Bethlehem; Winter Blast, Emmitsburg, Md.; Shamrock Showcase, Shamokin; Reach the Beach, Ocean City, Md.; and Battle of the States, Hershey.Storm cheerleaders have earned six first place awards, three second place awards, two third place awards, a Grand Champion award and Best Dance award.All-star cheerleading is a competitive sport that includes cheerleaders of all ages and skill levels who perform a two minute and thirty second routine consisting of tumbling, stunting and dance.Storm All-Star is looking to form a Senior team with cheerleaders 18 and under, as well as continuing to grow its Tiny, Youth and Junior teams.For more information, send an email to

stormcheering@gmail.com, contact Marybeth Long at (610) 462-1566, or go to Storm All-Stars on Facebook.