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The Obama campaign's insistence to play the class warfare card in this presidential race is wearing a bit thin with voters who have the brains to recognize and see through such political games.

Vice president Joe Biden was in the crucial swing state of Ohio last week, a state by the way that has revived its economy, thanks to the job-creating principles set in motion by Gov. John Kasich's Republican administration.Vulture-like, this administration is quick to swoop into states where they see an economic upturn and a chance to make political hay. Unfortunately for Democrats, many rebounding states are being run by Republican governors who have long realized the value of balancing a budget and the workings of a free market economy.Hearing the president and vice president accuse their opponents of being out of touch, while counting themselves among those suffering in the middle class, is a joke. The president continues to paint Mitt Romney as an elitist who is out of touch with the average American worker. The president says that with a straight face, although he is often seen cavorting with and reaping campaign funds from Hollywood's most rich and famous.Just two weeks ago Obama set a new fund raiser record with a $15 million bash set up by George Clooney. At $40,000 a person, this was an event only Obama's super-rich Hollywood friends could afford. In 2009, the estimated estimated median household income in Carbon County was $43,355. That's BEFORE taxes, so even IF you lived in California, and even IF you had the right connections, you couldn't have afforded that single sit-down meal with the president with your ANNUAL income check.In fact, the massive traffic nightmare caused by Obama's arrival at the affair, had many "average American" motorists in Los Angeles outraged. One blogger said he was caught in a five-hour traffic jam caused by the presidential entourage. Another angry man railed at the fund raiser itself, writing: "clueless clooney and nobama, two birds of a radical, leftist hypocritical feather flocking together ... what a shock, pathetic, absolutely pathetic."Back in Ohio, meanwhile, VP Biden last week referred to himself as a "middle class Joe" while chirping that his opponents on the right "don't get it." It's true that Biden, like many of us, came from lower or middle class roots, but how he and fellow Democrats are somehow able to claim that for the party platform is laughable.It's equally hypocritical to hear Obama lambaste Republican bankers in one breath while gladly accepting campaign contributions from another crowd of Wall Street investors who are Democrat.Biden and wife Jill reported assets of between $239,000 and $866,000, according to Bloomberg, the business news giant. The estimated worth of their estate in Wilmington, Del. is an upper one-percentish-like $2,856,950. That doesn't include a cottage on the estate which Biden rents out to Secret Service for over $12,000 a year.Hearing "average Joe" Biden and President Obama beat up Mitt Romney for becoming a successful businessman is something the Democrats will be repeating from now until election day. They need to realize that private enterprise and WORKING your way to achieve business success are the fruits of capitalism.Unfortunately, after the president jetted out of LALA Land and his $40,000 per plate fund raiser, "average Americans" were left with the same problems as when he arrived: High unemployment, high deficits, out-of-control government spending, and a soaring national debt.The president, vice president and their elitist friends in Hollywood are the ones who, in Biden's own words, "don't get it."By Jim Zbickjzbick@tnonline.com