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Pa. Fish and Boat Commission announces basic boating course

Beltzville State Park will be hosting a Basic Boating course instructed by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission on Monday, April and Wednesday, April 11. The course will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. each night.

There is no charge for the course. All participants must pre-register and must attend both sessions.Call Beltzville State Park at 610-377-0045 to register.The Basic Boating Course is designed to supply boaters with practical information so they can make better informed decisions on the water. Instructors will provide students with information via a classroom setting to help them reduce the risk of injury and conflict on the water. Students who successfully complete the course may apply for a Boating Safety Education Certificate for a nominal fee. The certificate is required of all operators of personal watercraft (PWCs) or anyone born on or after January 1, 1982 who operate a motorboat of more than 25 horsepower. More information about this course or boating safety can be found by visiting the Commission's website at

www.fishandboat.com.The mission of the Fish and Boat Commission is to protect, conserve, and enhance the Commonwealth's aquatic resources and provide fishing and boating opportunities. For more information about fishing and boating in Pennsylvania, visit
