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Election bureau head says voter registration lists are accurate

A survey on voter registration was recently released by the Pew Center on the States showing nationally one in eight are inaccurate, out-of-date or duplicates.

Director Frannie Brennan, of the Schuylkill County Registration Bureau, claims none of the findings apply to Schuylkill County."We keep a daily check to see our records are up to date and accurate," Brennan commented.She added, "We fully comply with the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, referred to as the 'motor voter' law, by removing the names from the registration list of those who have not voted in five successive years. The act makes it easier to register by allowing persons who take driver's license tests to register, also high school's offer students who reach their 18th birthday to register."Brennan also said she is on the computer daily checking on the data center on motor vehicle records, death certificates and other information. She also checks marriage licenses and informs couples if they are taking up their own residence to change their addresses and also if the female is taking her husband's surname to change her name on her registration card."The best prevention against any fraud," Brennan said, "are the people who have served on the 129 precinct election boards for 10, 15 and 20 years who know the people in their precincts and are dedicated to making sure only those who are registered cast a ballot."Brennan pointed out on election day the six Schuylkill County judges take turns sitting at the courthouse ready to act on problems which may arise at the polls such as a challenge to a person seeking to vote whose record is not clear.The Pew Center report portrays a largely paper-based system that is outmoded, expensive and error prone. Brennan said the county has switched to voting by electronic computer machines installed in each precinct. The report states inactive voters do cost money by wastes on mailings and extra paper ballots."We have none of those problems," Brennan said.Pews solution: create a multistate data center to give officials voter registrations, motor vehicle records and death certificates from other states which will give election officials more control over their lists."Brennan responded, "We are ahead of the times."