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Omaha questions

We often buy food from Omaha Steaks. The quality is good and it's so easy - the package arrives right at your door. The Styrofoam container has dry ice inside to protect the items. In all the years we have been dealing with Omaha Steaks, we have never been disappointed with them.

Now that the commercial is over, you might be asking why I am writing about this company. Well, they do something special inside each box. They send us 'discussion' questions so that - while we are eating their fabulous food - we have something to talk about. They truly are a full-service group.The most recent box of food contained a few thought-provoking discussion questions. I thought perhaps my readers would be interested in them. Here they are (with some of our answers):1. If you could live in any home on a TV series, which would it be and why?My husband's answer was "The Huxtable Family" and mine was "The Sopranos." It's a wonder we're still married. As for my 'why,' I've always wanted to see how the Mafia folks live.2. Who has made a major impact on your life?I became an English teacher because I revered Miss Marjorie Mangan - my Junior and Senior English teacher in 1957-58 at Jim Thorpe High School. She not only taught me to love English, but she also made learning interesting. I wanted to be just like her.3. Do you believe that honesty is the best policy?Absolutely.4. If you were to be remembered for one thing, what would you like it to be?Being a good Mom.5. If you could be any age for just one week, which age would you choose and why?I would choose to be exactly the same age I am. Lots of water over the dam and down the river, but I've learned a lot and wouldn't give up one second of my life.6. What rule did you break most as a child?I hated using the right fingering on the piano and drove my piano teacher and my mother crazy. If they didn't stand right over my shoulder, I used whichever finger felt best to me.7. What's the habit you are proudest of breaking?I stopped biting my fingernails when I retired as a principal. I guess the lack of stress had something to do with it, but I take full credit for stopping.So, the Omaha Steaks people found a way to get family discussions started. If you want to use these questions at a family gathering, just remember to be tolerant of other people's answers. The Huxtables and the Sopranos don't have much in common, but the choices made for a lively debate.IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTACT DR. SMITH, SHE CAN BE REACHED AT HER EMAIL ADDRESS: JSMITH1313@CFL.RR.COM OR IN CARE OF THIS NEWSPAPER.