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Quarry owner seeks answers concerning zoning process

Walker Township supervisors heard from Rob Tourney, the general manager of the Middleport Quarry, at their regular meeting last night. The R. E. Pierson Construction Co. has recently purchased several tracts of land, totaling approximately 700 acres, between Blythe, Walker, and Schuylkill townships

Tourney asked several questions regarding the zoning and permitting process. The company is currently actively mining the area. Tourney said that the company intends to be "a good neighbor" and is in the process of submitting plans to add several buildings to the property in Walker Township.David Horst, the township engineer, presented several updates regarding the township park and the Catawissa Road bridge. Horst indicated that he and another member of the Alfred Benesch staff inspected the blacktop at the park and feel that it will hold up as it is. Supervisors had concerns about sealing the joint areas. Horst said that the guiderail plans for the bridge are being finalized. "It's not a standard PennDOT item. We need to come up with a custom detail for it," he said.The supervisors also approved a $200 quote from Magmar Inc., of New Philadelphia, to come in and clean the interior of the township building.Vice chairman of the board Dave Price indicated that the board held an executive session on September 2 to discuss personnel hiring, but no action was taken.