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Supervisors oppose new bill

The Penn Forest Township Supervisors passed a motion to officially oppose House Bill 2431, currently making its way through the State Senate. The bill aims to take away the jurisdiction of local townships and borough governments in favor of centralized countywide government bodies.

If the bill passes there will no longer be township and borough boards. This means there would no longer be local meetings such as the Penn Forest Township Supervisors meeting, which occurred at its regularly scheduled time on Tuesday. Instead there would be only county level meetings.The Penn Forest Township Supervisors are opposed to the bill because they feel it would take away from residents' ability to adequately voice their complaints and wishes. "We need to keep our voice on a local level," said Chairman Paul Montemuro. "Imagine how much you would be heard or how long you would have to wait in line if there were 300 more people at this meeting."House Bill 2431 is Pennsylvania's version of a nation-wide movement towards more centralized local government. Virginia is one state which no longer has township or borough representation. In opposing the measure, the Penn Forest Supervisors are joining many members of the National Association of Township Supervisors, who are also in opposition to the measure.