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West Penn Elementary School students hold egg drop contest

Timothy Gombar made his way to the roof of West Penn Elementary School, Snyders, to fulfill his role as designated egg dropper.

Gombar then tossed from the roof a variety of contraptions devised by the students to protect their passenger eggs from damage on the ground below.The students cheered each egg that made the perilous journey safely, as teacher Michele Bittner retrieved the eggs from their containers.The egg drop contest was held Oct. 30 at the school.Prior to the contest a brief assembly as part of the school's Second Annual Annual Olweus Bully Prevention Kickoff. This included the fifth grade students leading the entire school in reviewing of bullying rules, a cheer from a large group of fifth graders, and a special dance performance by the fifth grade student to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" to scare bullies from the school.All of the classes then proceeded to the outside for the egg drop.As part of the Olweus Bully Prevention Program and the FOSS Science Program, students in fifth grade were placed into groups of three. One student from each homeroom worked together to create an egg holding apparatus out of paper, scotch tape, and straws.The student groups included children that do not normally play together, noted Bittner. "This gave them to opportunity to get to know another member of the fifth grade class," she said. "This is done with the idea that if they get to know each other on a more personal basis, they are less likely to bully each other. The students have responded well to this activity, and we see a greater compassion for others within the classroom setting."To incorporate this activity with the science topic of Variables, a FOSS Module, followed the scientific method in the creation of the egg holding apparatus. Students started with a question, made predictions about how their apparatus would protect their egg, and created a plan for creating their standard egg holding system.All of the egg dropping apparatus were tested on Oct. 22 to allow the students to change a variable on their standard system for a more successful drop.After the egg drop, students will discuss the results of their investigation with their small groups and prepare a brief presentation to the class.The winners of the egg drop are as follows:From Mr. Gombar's Class - Stephen Oravec, Michael Houser, Julia Muscolini, Emma Dillman, Jenny Beck, Jessica Fairchaild and Hannah Betz;From Ms. Fulmer's Class - Emma Rago, Jacob Soper, Deidre Ressler, Logan Miller and Kyle Ruch;From Mrs. Bittner's Class - Cameron Behr, Travis Gall, James Ostrowski, Aimee Tola, Lexus Disbrow, Matt Weaver and Joshua Gordon.

Teacher Timothy Gombar holds the containers for the West Penn Elementary School Egg Drop Contest on the roof of the school. JOE PLASKO/TIMES NEWS